News Release

An SCMS paper was published online by 《Annals of Mathematics》

Prof. Guozhen Wang, jointly with T. Bachmann, J. Kong and Z. Xu, has online published a research paper by Annals of Mathematics. This is the tenth research paper authored by researchers in Shanghai Center for Mathematical Sciences that has published in one of the top-four international mathematical journals.

The paper is “The Chow t-structure on the ∞-category of motivic spectra” ( It defined the Chow t-structure on the ∞-category of motivic spectra SH(k) over an arbitrary base field k. The authors identify the heart of this t-structure when the exponential characteristic of k is invertible. Restricting to the cellular subcategory, they identified the Chow heart as the category of even graded MU2MU-comodules. Furthermore, they showed that the -category of modules over the Chow truncated sphere spectrum is algebraic.

Prof. Wang received his bachelor's and master's degrees from Peking University, in 2008 to 2011; received his Ph.D. from MIT in 2015. After, he became a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Copenhagen. In 2017, Prof. Wang joined SCMS as a postdoctoral fellow. Shortly after, he became a young researcher. Since 2020, he has been an associate professor. In 2022, he has been promoted as professor at SCMS.

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